Driver Details

Samsung IP Television

Updated: May 19, 2022
Version: 1.08


IP Control driver for (US Only) Samsung 7 Series Televisions.

Version History:

Version 1.0 Initial release

Version 1.01 Adds support for art mode*. Adds fix for mute toggle. Adds fix for heartbeat functions taking too much CPU time.

Version 1.03 now adds the Cable/Satellite page from APEX templates.

Version 1.04 Adds support for ambient mode, removes Netmask input requirement as the Netmask is now automatically obtained by XP processor.

Version 1.05 modified volume handling and feedback.

Version 1.06 changes default port number to match newer TV's.

Version 1.07 fixes authentication issue on North American TVs.

Version 1.08 removes OnHTTPFail messages from driver logs.

Samsung Television IP Driver

IP Control driver for the 7 Series models of Samsung Televisions. Written using 49" MU7000.


1.0 The original release of the driver

1.01 Adds support for art mode. Adds fix for mute toggle. Adds fix for heartbeat functions taking too much CPU time.

1.02 Adds change to force user to use correct firmware version

1.03 Adds the Cable/Satellite TV page to APEX

1.04 Adds support for ambient mode. The Netmask is no longer required in the configuration. The driver takes care of getting the netmask from the XP processor.

1.05 Modified Volume Increment repeat rate and adjusted volume feedback.

1.06 Changed default port to 1516 to match a change made by Samsung for 2020 models.

1.07 Fixed authentication issue on North American TVs.

1.08 Fixed issue with HTTPFail spamming logs with logging turned off on the driver.


Connection Type - Driver supports IP control only

Network - Static Entry, UPnP(Friendly Name or Serial Number), Connection Needs To Be Enabled, See Below.


The television requires initial authorization on the first boot up of the driver. Subsequent boot ups will retrieve the authorization token from persistence memory. A boolean variable is available to provide for "Authorization Required" visibility. Once the "Get Authorization" command is sent, an on screen prompt will appear (this requires television to be powered on). Using the television's remote, click "Allow" on the prompt. **Choosing Deny twice will black list the driver - DO NOT DENY ACCESS**

Televisions - Driver supports up to 16 televisions with one instance

Name - The name of the television

TCP Address - The IP Address

TCP Port - The Port Number, default is 1516. The default for pre-2020 models was 1515

Mac Address - The MAC address of the TV. Used for Wake on LAN. (On test device, MAC address was found in the Settings/Support/About This TV)

Notes -

· Keypad object allows you to send channel commands by inputing the channel number then pressing enter

· Power On - Power on commands utilize Wake On Lan (when TV is in deep sleep).

· UPnP - when using UPnP it is possible to send a power on command (WoL) and have the device respond, but not be "found" yet in the discovery process. Control commands will only function once the device is found.

· Certain Variables (Picture Mode, Color, Tint...) will not populate or update on certain Source types (PC for example)

· Enable Connection Procedure: Enter Settings --> General --> Network --> Expert --> IP Remote --> Enable.