Driver Details

RGB Spectrum Linx Series

Updated: April 20, 2012
Version: 1.01


This driver supports RGB Spectrum Linx Prime series matrix switchers connected to the XP processor via RS-232 or Ethernet.

Version History:

Version 1.01 adds preset capabilities, and commands for manually updating input names, output names, and preset names.

RGB Spectrum Linx Prime Series Matrix Switcher

This driver is for the RGB Spectrum Linx Prime Series of matrix switchers. It supports input/output routing for up to a 32x32 matrix switch and supports up to 50 presets. This driver was developed and tested with a Linx 1800 Prime matrix switch with a firmware version of 4.0.3 and WCP version of 1.4.

Revision History
The Initial release of the driver
1.01 Added Get Updated Names Commands.

Added "System Busy" variable for when the driver is busy receiving information from the matrix switch and no commands can be executed.

Added Preset Recall, Save, and Delete Commands.

Added Output (1-32) Input Text variables.

Added Preset Name variables.

Updated sample file.

TCP Connection

The 100/1000 BASE-T input connection on the Linx Prime switch should be connected to the Network.

The factory default IP address is using port 8000.

RS-232 Connection

The RS-232 connection on the Linx Prime switch should be connected directly to the XP Processor serial adapter; a null modem is not required.

The Linx Prime switch defaults to a baud rate of 9600, it can be changed between 9600-115200.