Driver Details

Zigen Matrix

Updated: Sept. 14, 2012
Version: 1.1


This driver is for Zigen Matrix Switchers, both audio and video, using RS-232.

Version History:

Version 1.1 adds increment and decrement commands for audio parameters.

Zigen Matrix Switcher Driver

This driver controls Zigens Matrix Switchers via rs-232. It will find the model of the switch it is connected to and implelment whatever video or audio functions that model has. It was tested on an HX-88 HDMI Switcher and an AX-88 audio switcher

Revision History
The original release of the driver
Added the increment and decrement commands for the audio parameters


The driver discovers the model of the switch and implements the commands appropriate to the switch. It gives routing-only commands for video but gives full control and metadata of routing, volume, mute, treble, bass, and subwoofer level of each audio channel. It also supports 8 memory locations for each type of router. The memory commands for audio vs video switching are different, and store to different memory locations.


You must enter the Device ID of the switcher into the driver configuration tab.The Device ID is set by DIP switches on the rear of the Zigen Unit.