Driver Details

Yamaha Receiver RX-Z11

Updated: June 3, 2009
Version: 1.0


This driver is for the Yamaha RX-Z11 receiver connected to the XP processor via RS-232. The current version of the driver does not support control over an Ethernet connection.

This driver was written using version 20080310 of the RX-Z11 RS232C Protocol document and an RX-Z11. It has not been tested with the other Z series Yamaha receivers.

The RX-Z11 Requires a Null modem (crossover) cable if using the standard RTI adapters.

The response may seem a little sluggish on this receiver as it does not dynamically update the controller, it must be polled continuously for data changes.

Media (List Control) Functions:

There is a category of commands called List Commands which control the menu features for controlling the media player functions of the receiver. These work well, but once again the response is slow so patience is required.

The cursor buttons are self-explanatory, the bookmark buttons allow you to add and remove net radio stations form the ‘Favorites’ menu.

To create the menu use 8 text buttons with their button text set to Menu Lines 1-8. Set their reversed state to use ‘Line x has cursor’ and the button will be highlighted as the cursor moves up and down.

The “Line x is a folder” variable that lets you show whether there’s a submenu. Either way you can just use the select button, but submenus can be accessed with the right button as well. The menu button and the left cursor button will bring you back up a level.

The ‘Current Cursor’ and ‘Max Cursor’ variables allow you to set up a ’12 of 264’ type cursor display.

HD Radio

The HD Radio meta data is polled for and displayed when any of the zones is set to use the tuner.

The HD Radio program functions allow you to create a button for each sub-channel, you can set the ‘Visible State’ of these buttons to use the ‘HD x available’ variable so that only the buttons for the channels actually available will show.