Driver Details

Steinway-Lyngdorf Model P200 Surround Processor

Updated: May 14, 2018
Version: 1.01


This driver is for the Steinway-Lyngdorf Model P200 Surround Processor, using Ethernet or Serial (RS232) connectivity.

Version History:

Version 1.01 fixes issue when loading driver into ID APEX.

Steinway-Lyngdorf Model P200 Surround Processor

This driver was designed and tested with a Steinway-Lyngdorf Model P200 Surround Processor.

Revision History
The Initial release of the driver.

1.01 Update for APEX file type issue.

Connection Settings

Network (TCP)

The TCP/IP connection on the P200 should be connected to the Ethernet Network.

TCP Address - The P200 should be set to use a static IP address either by setting it in the P200 Network Configuration or via MAC address reservations in the network router. The General setup/Power management setting in the P200 should also be set to Network.

TCP Port - The P200 uses port 84 as default for Ethernet (TCP) communications.

Serial Port

Serial Port - Select the processor serial port used for communicating to the P200. A null modem between the P200 and RJS-232 serial adapter is required.

Baud Rate - The P200 uses a baud rate of 115200 as default for serial (RS232) communication.

Driver Notes

- The driver will acquire the source names available for the main zone and zone 2 upon initialization.

- The driver will acquire the Room Perfect Focus Point, Room Perfect Voicing, and Audio Mode names for the main zone upon initialization.

- Remote emulation commands are included for additional setup, menu, and control features.

- A RAW Command is included in the driver for the ability to send commands not currently covered by the driver. The Start character (!) and termination (carriage return) are automatically appended by the driver so they must be omitted from the Command String parameter of the RAW Command function.