Driver Details

CentraLite JetStream

Updated: May 14, 2010
Version: 1.0


This driver is for the CentraLite JetStream lighting control system utilizing the JetStream Third Party RS-232 Bridge.

CentraLite JetStream

This driver is for the CentraLite Jetstream wireless central lighting control system, using the Third Party RS-232 Bridge/Astronomical Time Clock interface module.

Revision History

1.0 The Initial release of the driver

Config Settings

Serial Port Settings

The RS-232 connection on the JetStream interface should be connected directly to the XP-8 serial adapter; a null modem is not required.

Baud Rate Settings

The default baud rate of the JetStream interface is 19200, but can be set anywhere between 300-115200.

Device Configuration Settings

Total Number of Devices - Enter the total number of devices in the system. Up to 96 devices may be in a JetStream system. This number would include the Third Party RS-232 Bridge/Astronomical Time Clock interface module in the final count.

RS232 Bridge Device ID

Device ID of the RS232 Bridge - Enter the Device ID of which the RS232 Bridge is set to. This ID number will be given to the 232 Bridge during the discovery process when setting up the JetStream system.

Driver Notes

- The "Device Name" button text variable will grab the name given to the device in the JetStream Software Utility. However, the RS232 Bridge does not send its configuration name, therefore the "Device Name" button text variable matching the RS232 Bridge's ID will not populate.

- If the Device Name has been changed in the JetStream Software Utility it may take up to 3 minutes for the button text variables corresponding to the name change/changes to take place.

- Scene Names are not sent from the RS232 Bridge, therefore are not available at the time of this driver release.

- "Scene Status" variables directly track the scene status commands sent from the RS232 Bridge. The RS232 Bridge sends only on/off status for scenes and does not turn off an active scene when a different scene is selected. This may result in inaccurate variable tracking of scenes. If variable tracking is needed, it is recommended tracking "device states" instead of "scene states" for this reason.